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Current Exhibitions

21 July 2024 - 25 August 2024
21 July 2024 - 20 January 2025

Vera Röhm. Art in Architecture

Projects & models (interior)
Angle-Binome (exterior space)


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Institut für Neue Technische Form (INTeF)
Friedensplatz 11
64283 Darmstadt

Tel.: +49 (0)6151-48008

click on image to enlarge
© Vera Röhm
Winkel-Binome 30°/ 45 / 60°, 2024
Forecourt INTeF, Darmstadt
Visualisation Alexander Dasic © Vera Röhm / VG Bild Kunst Bonn

07 April – 30 Juni 2024


kolvenburg konkret

various artists


galerie hoffmann


An der Kolvenburg 3

48727 Billerbeck

Tel.: +49 (0)6031-2443

click on image to enlarge

© Vera Röhm
Winkel-Ergänzung, n.y.
exhibition view Galerie Hoffmann, Kolvenburg Konkret, Billerbeck 2024
Photography Jan Daniel Fritz

06 – 13 April 2024

Expositions Concerts Lectures Performances Musique


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Les Comptoirs de la Tannerie
Rhizome Association
12, rue Saint-Martin
89200 Avallon
Tel. +33 (0)6-62654808

click on image to enlarge
© Vera Röhm
Globus,, 2023
light, video mapping, sound installation, Topographie de l’art, Paris 2023
Photography Leslie Rosenzweig 2023

03 February – 04 April 2024

The shapes of time


Katalog Catalogue


Topographie de l’art
15, rue de Thorigny
75003 Paris
Tel. +33 (0)1 40 294428

click on image to enlarge
© Vera Röhm
Schatten-Zeit-Feld, 27.09.1983, 7.00–17.30h, 1983/1986/2009
Installation with 22 panels, 22 tetrahedrons, 22 shadow bodies, metal, painted white and black, inkjet on photographic paper, glass, black MDF, pedestal white MDF, exhibition view, Topographie de l’art, Paris 2024
photo Catherine Rebois

21 November – 21 December 2023
16 January – 04 April 2024

Presence of the Line


Espace Fanal
Atelier-Editions Fanal
St. Alban-Tal 39
4052 Basel
Tel. +41 61 272 13 54

click on image to enlarge

© Vera Röhm
Rage -b-, 1984/2005
Aquatint etching on laid paper (BFK Rives)
Edition Fanal, edition 12

15 December 2023 – 19 January 2024

Vera Molnar 99 Jahre + 1 and friends


Das Esszimmer – Raum für Kunst
Merchenstraße 25
53129 Bonn
Tel. +49 (0)172 2565106

click on image to enlarge

© Vera Röhm
Stützwerk R01-08, 1977/1981/2019
Inkjet print on Photo Rag Baryta paper
Edition Young Collectors, edition 8

21 July – 03 September 2023

Darmstadt Secession: Spektrum Konkret
Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Installation


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Katalog Catalogue


Speyer Municipal Gallery
in the Kulturhof Flachsgasse
Flachsgasse 3
67346 Speyer
Tel. +49 (0)6232-142399

click on image to enlarge

© Vera Röhm
Bogentor, 2013/2022
Corten steel, Plexiglas
Photo Vera Röhm

09 July – 03 September 2023

25th Sculpture Park Mörfelden


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Katalog Catalogue


Kommunale Galerie Mörfelden-Walldorf
Park at the community centre Mörfelden
Blumenstraße / corner of Parkstraße
City of Mörfelden-Walldorf
Sports and Culture Office
64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf
Tel. +49 (0)6105-938 209

click on image to enlarge

© Vera Röhm
Doppelbinom 18°, 2002/2022
Corten steel, Plexiglas
Exhibition view „25. Skulpturenpark Mörfelden“ 2023
Photo Wolfgang Lukowski

09 June – 03 September 2023

From Kollwitz to Serra. Sculptors drawing



Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt
Karl Freund-Galerie
Friedensplatz 1

64283 Darmstadt

Tel. +49 (0)6151 3601 200

click on image to enlarge
© Vera Röhm
Licht-Strahl-Eiche (Model), 2009/2011
Bronze, Plexiglas
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt
Winkel-Ergänzung Beta 75°, in Pully/Lausanne, 1986
Charcoal and red chalk on handmade paper, Inv. HZ 11077-VZ-01
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Graphische Sammlung
Exhibition view 2023, Poto: Wolfgang Lukowski

22 April – 05 July 2023

Poetics of the Cosmos


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press release PDF


Galerie Dorothea van der Koelen
Zentrum für Kunst und Wissenschaft in Mainz
August-Horch-Straße 14
55129 Mainz-Hechtsheim
Tel. +49 (0)6131-2191833

click on image to enlarge
© Vera Röhm
Laborinth, 2007/2021
Night is the Earth’s Shadow in 251 langues, Plexiglas (foiled), light, high 250 cm, 3 walls with radius 200/225/250 cm
Photo Wolfgang Lukowski

15 April – 15 June 2023

La fusion des possibles


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Katalog Catalogue


Topographie de l’art

15, rue de Thorigny

75003 Paris

Tel. +33 (0)1 40 294428

click on image to enlarge

© Vera Röhm
Globus, 2023
Exhibition view „la fusion des possibles“, Topographie de l’art, Paris 2023
Photo Leslie Rosenzweig

11 November 2022 – 03 February 2023

125 Years of the Noack Foundry


Bildgiesserei Hermann Noack
Am Spreebord 9
10589 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 343 571 66

click on image to enlarge
© Vera Röhm
Bronze, plexiglass, 1000 x 60 x 60 cm
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt
Photo: Wolfgang Lukowski

19 November 2022 – 11 January 2023

Art & Méditation


Katalog Catalogue


Topographie de l’art

15, rue de Thorigny

75003 Paris

Tel. +33 (0)1 40 294428

click on image to enlarge

© Vera Röhm
Tetraeder, Grundrissrelief, 1985
brass, lacquered wood, 110,8 x 128 x 2,7 cm
Photography: Octavian Beldiman
© Copyright Vera Röhm · E-Mail: atelier [at] veraroehm [dot] com